How to create a router for a custom SPA App

If you have ever tried React.js before you must've heard about React's Router library. If you haven't:

React Router is a standard library for routing in React. It enables the navigation among views of various components in a React Application, allows changing the browser URL, and keeps the UI in sync with the URL.

Basically, it solves the problem of handling multiple pages in single-page applications (web developers love to make their life harder).

Demo | Repository

Starting point

We are going to observe three events:

  • anchor tag clicks
  • DOMContentLoaded
  • popstate - this will cover browser history functionality
The popstate event of the Window interface is fired when the active history entry changes while the user navigates the session history.

More details: popstate Event

Quick note: I am going to use Private class fields here but you don't have to. Browser support is not so great yet (thanks to Safari | 03.2022).

class Router {
  constructor() {

  #init() {
    document.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
    }, false);

    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {

    window.addEventListener('popstate', () => {

export default Router;

Registering paths

I am not a big fan of React Router syntax because I don't think that putting everything into HTML-like code is a good thing. I want this to work similarly to express.js routes:

import Router from './router';

router.get('/my-custom-page', () => {
  // do stuff

Under the hood we are going to simply register some routes, and assign regex pattern with callbacks to them, which are going to be executed when one of the above events happens and matches regex pattern:

Screenshot from Chrome console, showing url registry
Path registry
class Router {
  constructor() {

  #paths = {};
  // registers path 
  get(pattern, callback) {
    const paths = this.#paths;
    if (!paths[pattern]) {
      paths[pattern] = {};
      paths[pattern].callbacks = [];
    paths[pattern].reg = this.#parsePattern(pattern);
    return true;

	// ...

export default Router;

Transforming patterns into RegExp

Same as express.js, you could use [npm] path-to-regexp library, but dependency-free solutions come at a cost. From path-to-regexp README.MD:

Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression.

We are going to support only :option and * type of parameters. Just to proove that you can do something simple alone without adding too many unused bytes to the project (like external dependency). And all that magic comes down to:

#parsePattern(pattern) {
  return `^${pattern
    .replace(/\/g, '\/')
    .replace(/(*|:w*)/gm, '(:?[A-z0-9|*]*)')}(?:\/?)$`;

This code transforms the custom pattern to the regex one. The first step is to make sure that all URLs like:


are changed to:


And finally, we are replacing all custom parameters with their regex equivalents:


You can notice that from a regex perspective it doesn't really matter if it's :label or *. It will transform both into `(:?[A-z0-9|*]*)`.

Listening to navigation changes

History entry changes and page load

#init() {
  // ...

  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {

  window.addEventListener('popstate', () => {

Each time when location changes we need to verify if it exists in our registry:

#checkPatterns(url) {
    const targetUrl = url;

    // Find the matching pattern
    const result = Object.keys(this.#paths).find(this.#checkIfAnyPatternIsMatching(targetUrl));

    // If pattern is not found we return an error or 404
    if (!result) {
      return false;

    // Prevent reloading the page if the url is the same
    if (this.#previousPath === targetUrl) {
      return false;

    // Run the callback function
    this.#processURL(result, targetUrl);

    return true;

The Object.keys() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property names, iterated in the same order that a normal loop would. Because it's an array we can use a find() method on it. Finally, we pass #checkIfAnyPatternIsMatching() method into it so it explains its purpose. You will notice here a curry function implementation. The idea is I want to pass the finds currentValue parameter into #checkIfAnyPatternIsMathing() in the background and as the first parameter I want to have a value that I'm checking currentValue against:

#checkIfAnyPatternIsMatching(url /* <- this is what we are passing in */) {
  return (element /* .find() currentValue parameter */) => {
    const pattern = this.#paths[element].reg;
    const newRegex = new RegExp(pattern, 'i').exec(url);
    if (!newRegex) { return false } // not found
    return true; // found

If the result of exec() is an array then we found our pattern.

Going deeper into error handling and URL processing:

#processURL(pattern, url) {
	this.#previousPath = url;
	const result = this.#getParams(pattern, url);
	return this.#paths[pattern].callbacks.forEach((callback) => callback(result));

processURL() will run the callback function that we have registered using router.get() and will pass retrieved parameters into it. Here's what you can expect from the argument inside the callback function:

if the url is /test/custom_label/arg1/arg2/843/custom_label2 then the matching pattern is /test/:label1/*/*/*/:label2:

router.get('/test/:label1/*/*/*/:label2', (options) => {
  console.log(options) // => 
/*	{
			"0": "arg1",
			"1": "arg2",
			"2": "843",
			"label1": "custom_label",
			"label2": "custom_label2"

In order to create such object we are going to utilize .exec() functionalities:

#getParams(pattern, url) {
  const parsedPattern = this.#paths[pattern].reg;
  const regex = new RegExp(parsedPattern, 'i');
  const tokens = this.#transformRegexOutput(regex.exec(pattern));
  const params = this.#transformRegexOutput(regex.exec(url));
  return this.#mergeObjects(tokens, params);

.exec() returns array which contains the parenthesized substring matches, if any [1], ...[n] e.g.:




In this example, we run exec on both URL and pattern. Using #transofrmRegexOutput we get rid of everything that is not in 1, ...[n] range and turn what's left into an object. Then we merge those two objects into a single one. In the merge function the trick is that we need to transform all * exceptions into numbers and leave labels as-is:

#transformRegexOutput(input) {
  try {
    return Object
      .filter((key) => Number(key))
      .reduce((obj, key) => { return { ...obj, [key]: input[key] } }, {});
  } catch (error) {
    return {};

#mergeObjects(obj1, obj2) {
  let iterator = -1;
  return Object
    .reduce((obj, key, index) => {
      if (obj1[index + 1] === '*') { iterator += 1; }
      return ({ ...obj, [obj1[index + 1] === '*' ? iterator : obj1[index + 1].substring(1)]: obj2[index + 1] })
    }, {})

Conclusion and next steps

We've made it to the end! I hope that you have enjoyed this short guide. Now you should have a glimpse of how more advanced solutions work. Personally, I use this solution myself - it's small and SEO friendly. The possible next step is to cover this small code with tests in case of any future improvements that potentially could impact the current version of the script.

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