
Hi there!

My name is Wiktor Wiśniewski. I live in Poland.

I am passionate about all web technologies. I want to make web faster, more accessible, user-friendly and... Pretty :) This blog helps me to share with the world what I'm into recently. I write about challenges, projects and ideas related to the World Wide Web.

On a daily basis I'm working in the Shopify Platform as a Full-stack developer and Integration Specialist using IBM App Connect Enterprise and IBM MQ.

>> recent posts:

Exploring Declarative Shadow DOM

In this article I am looking into newest WebComponents feature, that supports server side rendering.

How to create a router for a custom SPA App

Understaning how SPAs handle browser navigation without actually redirecting to other pages.

Build lightweight and performant Carousel using pure JavaScript

Learn how to create JavaScript carousel without any frameworks

Preloading assets with Webpack 5

Webpack configuration for SPA applications.

How to use the Mac TouchBar API in Electron

How to integrate your Electron app with MacBook Pro Touch Bar using plain JavaScript.

>> latest projects:

8 Puzzle Game

Play or let algorithm solve the puzzle for you!

The author of the blog saluting the user with an ice ax in his hand